Dog Training and Behavior Articles

Canine Pack Structure: Lead or be Led
by Lori Rodriguez
Published in DogWorld Magazine
Developing your role as your dog's pack leader requires three key elements of training--clearness, consistency, and timing--leading to harmony within the pack.

by Lori Rodriguez, Editor, Writer
Publication: Milk-Bone Newsletter and WebSite
From traveling to training, nutrition to understanding, and just plain good, heart-warming dog stories, we know we will have something for everyone who has ever had the experience of being loved by a dog.
Milk Bone dog biscuits were born in the early 1900s in the corner of a bakery on the lower east side of New York. During World War II, these tasty dog treats were supplied to the Army and Marine Corps war dogs. By the 1960s more than three billion Milk-Bone dog biscuits had been gobbled up by man's best friend.
In Search of the Perfect Puppy
by Lori Rodriguez
Written for and distributed by non-profit organizations
Bringing a new dog or puppy into your home can add laughter, comfort, and joy to your life. But a getting a dog, like any change, can cause growing pains. Whether those pains are minor or become unbearable will depend on how well you have chosen and prepared for your new arrival. This guide is your start to responsible pet ownership.

The Development of Power in the Young Dog
A Three-Part Series
by Lori Rodriguez
Published in Schutzhund USA, BSA News (Great Britain)
The development of your puppy lays the foundation you will build on throughout your training career. From the litter box to your home, your puppy is learning from his environment--make the most of it.
This article discusses advanced theory and foundation training for Schutzhund, police, and security work. The content is not intended for the novice trainer.
Part 1: Building the Foundation in the Young Dog
Part 2: The Young Dog, Preparing to Build the House
Part 3: The Young Dog, Building the House
Email or call John 203.232.8018 to discuss how we can help you find your happy ever after.
Dog Training and Behavior Articles

Developing Your Puppy's Social Skills
by Lori Rodriguez
Published in DogWorld Magazine (The World Largest All Breed Dog Magazine), Bloodlines (UKC), The Bullmastiff Club of New South Wales (Australia)
In order for puppies to blossom into confident, reliable adults, they need proper and frequent exposure to humans, other creatures, and the world around them. Socializing your puppy is the first step to raising and training your puppy to become an beloved companion or working dog and is key to an enjoyable long-term relationship.
Canine Pack Structure: Lead or be Led
by Lori Rodriguez
Published in DogWorld Magazine
Developing your role as your dog's pack leader requires three key elements of training--clearness, consistency, and timing--leading to harmony within the pack.
Milk Bone Dog Newsletter: Connections
by Lori Rodriguez, Editor, Writer
Publication: Milk-Bone Newsletter and WebSite
From traveling to training, nutrition to understanding, and just plain good, heart-warming dog stories, we know we will have something for everyone who has ever had the experience of being loved by a dog.Milk Bone dog biscuits were born in the early 1900s in the corner of a bakery on the lower east side of New York. During World War II, these tasty dog treats were supplied to the Army and Marine Corps war dogs. By the 1960s more than three billion Milk-Bone dog biscuits had been gobbled up by man's best friend.
In Search of the Perfect Puppy
by Lori Rodriguez
Written for and distributed by non-profit organizations
Bringing a new dog or puppy into your home can add laughter, comfort, and joy to your life. But a getting a dog, like any change, can cause growing pains. Whether those pains are minor or become unbearable will depend on how well you have chosen and prepared for your new arrival. This guide is your start to responsible pet ownership.
The Development of Power in the Young Dog
A Three-Part Series
by Lori Rodriguez
Published in Schutzhund USA, BSA News (Great Britain)
The development of your puppy lays the foundation you will build on throughout your training career. From the litter box to your home, your puppy is learning from his environment--make the most of it.
This article discusses advanced theory and foundation training for Schutzhund, police, and security work. The content is not intended for the novice trainer.
Part 1: Building the Foundation in the Young Dog
Part 2: The Young Dog, Preparing to Build the House
Part 3: The Young Dog, Building the House
Devotion to Quality Breeding and Progressive Training
by Lori Rodriguez
Published in DogWorld Magazine, The German Shepherd Quarterly
German Shepherd Dog to evaluate each dog's breeding potential, intelligence and utility. "It also measures the dog's mental stability, endurance, structural efficiencies, ability to scent, willingness to work, courage, and trainability." Schutzhund USA
Dogging It! The Official Publication of Schutzhund USA for the New England Region
by Lori Rodriguez, Founder, Managing Editor
Publication: Dogging it!
News, events, advice, training articles, statistics, and gossip--for years Dogging it! was Schutzhund in New England.
Dogs that Work
by Lori Rodriguez
Commissioned by DogWorld Magazine
This aricle discusses the progression of our canine companions from scavenger to hunter, from livestock dog to protector.